
Italy will grant the Republic of Moldova 10 million euros to compensate energy bills

The Italian government will contribute 10 million euros to compensate the energy expenses of the most vulnerable households in the current heating season and to support households and public institutions to become energy efficient, the Ministry of Energy announces. An agreement to this effect was signed today at the Government, by the Italian ambassador, Lorenzo Tomassoni, and the UNDP Resident Representative in the Republic of Moldova, Daniela Gasparikova.

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Sursa: facebook/ UNDP Moldova

Thus, with the support of Italy, the digitization program of the energy sector will be continued, by expanding the number of new generation meters, which allow remote data retrieval, in real time.

"This action will contribute to a more rational use of electricity, especially during peak hours. The collected data will be used to develop new energy efficiency policies. With the help of smart grids, consumers will have more offers to choose from, being able to opt for flexible tariffs. Thus, they will be able to use household appliances during the hours when energy is cheaper", explains the Ministry of Energy.

The competent minister, Victor Parlicov, claims that even more public buildings will benefit from investments in energy efficiency measures, and that the money saved can be redirected to other purposes.

"We pay about three times more for energy not because we have high tariffs, but because we haven't invested in energy efficiency," said the Minister of Energy, Victor Parlicov.

We remind you that the Chisinau authorities launched this year the program for granting compensations for thermal energy and electricity. In order to benefit from compensations, all citizens must register on the website by November 25, in order to benefit from compensations for the month of November. On November 26, people will receive the answer regarding the assigned vulnerability category.

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