
VIDEO// The soldiers of the National Army participated in the military parade on the National Day of Romania

The soldiers from the Honor Guard Company of the National Army participated, today, in the military parade, organized by Romania's National Day.

The Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatîi, and the Commander of the National Army, Brigadier General Eduard Ohladciuc, were invited to the event. The military platoon of the National Army, led by Major Pavel Lîsîi, paraded in Bucharest's Triumph Arch Square, alongside military contingents from Romania, Belgium, France, North Macedonia, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Spain, the USA, the Netherlands.

This year, about 2,400 soldiers and specialists from the Romanian force structures, including 250 foreign soldiers, from the Republic of Moldova, Belgium, France, North Macedonia, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal participated in the parade in Bucharest's Triumph Arch Square , Spain, the United States of America and the Netherlands, as well as soldiers from allied countries contributing to NATO structures on the territory of Romania.

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