
Moldova expands psoriasis treatment options

Psoriasis, a chronic skin condition affecting over 2% of Moldova's population, is receiving increased attention from healthcare professionals and authorities. While less than half of psoriasis cases are currently diagnosed and treated, efforts are underway to expand treatment options and improve patient outcomes.

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For Igor Molea, a 38-year-old man battling psoriasis for nearly two decades, the disease has had a profound impact on his life. "The disease has affected my skin and bones, and I walk with difficulty," he shared. Igor, like many Moldovans with psoriasis, relies on twice-yearly treatments at the Dermatology Hospital in Chișinău to manage his condition.

Psoriasis treatment in Moldova currently encompasses three levels: topical creams and ointments, ultraviolet radiation therapy, and cytostatic agents for severe cases. However, the introduction of biological treatment, considered a game-changer in psoriasis management, is eagerly awaited by patients and healthcare professionals alike.

"Biological treatment has revolutionised psoriasis care, inducing remission in over 90% of patients within 12-16 weeks," explained Eugenia Prohin, a representative from a research company. While currently available only through clinical trials in Moldova, biological treatment holds immense promise for improving the lives of psoriasis patients.

Moldovan health authorities are also taking steps to expand treatment options and improve accessibility. In August 2023, several new psoriasis medications were added to the list of reimbursed drugs, with an 80% compensation rate. Additionally, a National Program for Biological Treatment for severe psoriasis cases is under development.

"We are committed to providing comprehensive psoriasis care for our citizens," stated Ion Dodon, General Director of the National Health Insurance Company (CNAM). "The introduction of new treatments and expanded reimbursement schemes is a testament to our dedication to improving patient outcomes."

As Moldova continues to address the challenges of psoriasis, the hope for improved treatment options and enhanced patient care is within sight. With ongoing research, innovative treatment approaches, and a commitment from healthcare providers and authorities, the future for Moldovans living with psoriasis looks brighter.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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