
Four more Moldovans were evacuated from the Gaza Strip, with the support of the Romanian authorities. Details of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from Chisinau

Four more Moldovans were evacuated from the Gaza Strip with a military aircraft, announces the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania. According to the authorities from Romania, together with the Moldovan citizens, 30 Romanians and their family members were evacuated. Contacted by Moldova 1 TV, the press officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Filip Cojocaru, denied the information and said that there are no Moldovans among the evacuated persons.

Sursa: Facebook/MAE

"Among the evacuees there are no Moldovan citizens", the press officer of the MAEIE, Filip Cojocaru, told Moldova 1 TV.

"At the request of the authorities of the Republic of Moldova, support was provided for the evacuation of 4 people from the Gaza Strip, under the attention of the diplomatic mission of this state, reads a press release. The 34 people were taken from the Rafah border crossing point by the consular team of the diplomatic mission and were accompanied to Cairo, and later transported to Romania", informs Digi24.RO.

We remind you that today the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania announced that six Moldovans and 29 Romanians are to be evacuated from the Gaza Strip. According to the Romanian authorities, nine children were among the evacuees. The aircraft was to land at Base 90 in Otopeni.

Also, the Romanian Foreign Ministry said that it continues the dialogue with the Israeli and Egyptian authorities in order to facilitate the evacuation of the other citizens, depending on the developments on the ground and the agreement of the parties involved.

The MAE points out that the security situation in the region remains complex and volatile, which implies the constant adaptation of evacuation plans, depending on the factors on the ground, so that the safety of evacuees is not put at risk.

We remind that, this November, another 45 Moldovans were evacuated from the Gaza Strip. According to the MAEIE, the evacuation action was possible with the support of the Romanian authorities and Ukrainian partners.

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