
Government faces strike threat: Moldovan transport sector in turmoil

A brewing conflict between the Moldovan government and transport operators threatens to disrupt the country's transportation network.

The new Road Transport Code, approved by Parliament in November 2023, has sparked outrage amongst operators who demand its immediate revision.

The primary point of contention lies in the code's provision requiring each route to be served by a dedicated vehicle. Operators deem this rule excessively rigid, hindering their ability to optimise resource utilisation and respond dynamically to passenger demand. They argue that allowing a single vehicle to serve multiple routes would enhance operational efficiency and ultimately benefit passengers through improved service quality.

Oleg Alexa, President of the Association of Road Transport Operators, spearheads the opposition, stating, "Thirty of our 300 member companies have signed a petition demanding the code's revision. We anticipate another 200 signatures in the coming weeks." He further warned, "The first protest may occur before the New Year through a suspension of services, as the Great National Assembly Square will be unavailable due to the Christmas tree installation. Once the tree is removed, we will resume monthly protests throughout 2024, even if the code comes into effect."

Alina Pisica, spokesperson for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development, declined immediate comment on the operators' demands. However, previous statements by the ministry's Secretary of State, Mircea Păscăluță, advocated for market liberalisation within the transport sector.

The government faces a critical decision: address the operators' concerns and modify the code, or risk a debilitating strike with significant economic and political ramifications. The coming weeks will be crucial in determining the fate of the new Road Transport Code and the future of Moldovan transportation.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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