
Chisinau cheers as EU Doors Open: Accession talks ignite hope

Moldova's long-held aspirations for EU membership took a significant step forward Friday as the official accession talks commenced.

The decision by the European Council triggered an outpouring of public celebration, with a vibrant flash mob pulsing with hope and excitement outside the EU embassy in Chisinau.

EU Ambassador Janis Mazeiks, addressing the jubilant crowd, underscored the weight of the moment: "This decision reflects the unwavering resolve of the Moldovan people and the European Union's unwavering commitment to its stated goals." He expressed confidence that this pivotal step would solidify European integration as a national cornerstone, paving the way for Moldova's seamless integration into the bloc.

News of the talks resonated deeply with ordinary Moldovans. Maria, a beaming participant, declared, "This is a momentous occasion! This opens a golden door for Moldova to thrive and prosper within the EU." Ion, another participant, echoed the sentiment, his voice brimming with pride: "This is a historic day for our nation, a day that marks the beginning of a new chapter in our journey towards Europe."

Beyond the celebratory atmosphere, the day also witnessed a symbolic handover of the EU presidency baton from Spain to Belgium. The ceremony, held at the EU embassy and attended by dignitaries like Moldovan President Maia Sandu, served as a testament to the ongoing international support for Moldova's European aspirations.

President Sandu expressed heartfelt gratitude to both Spain and Belgium for their unwavering assistance: "We deeply appreciate the unwavering support we have received throughout our European journey. We are fully committed to fulfilling the demands of the accession process and becoming a valued member of the EU."

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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