
An old man announced as wanted by his relatives in the USA, found by the border police near a village in Vulcănești district

A 74-year-old man, announced as wanted by his relatives in the USA, was found by the border police near the town of Etulia, Vulcănești district. According to the information presented by the IGPF, the law enforcement officers were notified of the man's disappearance on the morning of December 14. He held dual Russian and US citizenships.

From the preliminary information, the law enforcement officers found that the man arrived in the Republic of Moldova by plane on December 3 from the USA, and a day later he stopped answering calls.

"Operatively, the border subdivisions were informed in order to find the person in question. Near the town of Etulia, the border police discovered the man behind the wheel of a car recently purchased in the Republic of Moldova", informs the IGPF.

The man was sheltered at the headquarters of the SPF Cișmichioi until the arrival of his relatives in the territory of our country, including those in the USA who were notified of his finding.

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