
Tradition meets budget: Navigating Moldova's Christmas feast

While the vibrant buzz of Christmas shopping fills the air at Chisinau's central market, a subtle tension simmers beneath the surface.

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Sursa: iconic image

Amidst overflowing stalls teeming with traditional holiday fare, merchants report a subdued buying atmosphere compared to previous seasons.

Despite offering prices stable or even lower than last year, shoppers exhibit diverse approaches. Some prioritize the spirit of indulgence, echoing the sentiment, "Budget? I just reach into my pocket and grab what feels right." Others, like those with "a predetermined budget of 3,000-4,000 lei," carefully balance festive desires with financial prudence. Meanwhile, some, like a solo shopper, opt for a more modest feast, stating, "A roast chicken, skip the intricate dishes, and a simple salad will do."

Market vendors readily acknowledge the tempered buying behaviour. "Customers are starting slow," observes one, "picking up traditional essentials like cold cuts, roasting meat, and patties. Prices haven't budged from last year, making it quite affordable." Another vendor highlights price reductions, noting, "Cucumbers, once 70 lei, are now 25-30 lei. Same with tomatoes, down to 25 lei. Everyone buys for the holidays, but quantities remain cautious, hovering around one and a half kilograms."

As festive euphoria intertwines with economic realities, Chisinau's central market navigates a unique Christmas season. The doors remain open until December 31st, offering last-minute culinary opportunities. However, brief closures on January 1st, 7th, and 8th allow the market to prepare for the year ahead.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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