
Parliament appoints Petru Macovei and Valeriu Pașa to Strategic Communication Center

In a recent parliamentary session, Petru Macovei of the Independent Press Association and Valeriu Pașa of WatchDog were appointed as members of the Strategic Communication Center.

Sursa: multimedia.parlament.md

However, the appointment did not go unnoticed, as Gaik Vartanian from the National Alternative Movement criticised both for their past Facebook posts related to Ion Ceban and Russian hackers.

Vartanian questioned Macovei's credibility, accusing him of sharing a letter attributed to Ion Ceban, which demonstrated the pro-Russian sympathies of the capital's mayor. In response, Macovei defended himself, stating that the letter's falseness was never proven, and he deleted the post after realising it.

The debate continued with Vartanian directing his criticism at Valeriu Pașa, blaming him for disseminating information about Russian hackers attacking government websites without confirmation from the Security and Intelligence Service.

Pașa, undeterred, defended his position, emphasising the importance of the Strategic Communication Center in improving citizens' information and countering disinformation. He noted that the centre, although not yet operational, had already attracted the Kremlin's attention, indicating a step in the right direction.

The Strategic Communication Center, led by former Interior Minister Ana Revenco, aims to analyse and combat harmful propaganda narratives.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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