
Heavy traffic at PTF Leușeni-Albita

The border police informs that at this time there is heavy passenger and car traffic at the Leușeni-Albita border crossing, on the way out of the Republic of Moldova, into Romania.

In order to avoid queues, the authorities applied several actions to streamline the flow:

• Supplementing the number of employees in the first line of control; • Additional opening of control runways and replacement of special equipment; • REVERSE activation - directing the flow on tracks opposite to the direction of travel.

The four border and customs authorities in the Republic of Moldova and Romania are operating in an increased regime. The IGPF recommends travelers to opt in advance for other border crossing points: Leova-Bumbăta (08:00-20:00), Cahul-Oancea and Lipcani-Rădăuți-Prut.

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