
Refugee support: Children's library expands programs in Moldova

The "Ion Creangă" National Children's Library in Moldova has received a technological boost through a partnership with WeWorld Moldova, an Italian organisation.

facebook/ "Ion Creanga" National Library for Children
Sursa: facebook/ "Ion Creanga" National Library for Children

The project aims to offer vital support to Ukrainian children displaced by the war.

Modern equipment, including laptops, a colour printer, and accessories, will bolster the library's existing educational programs. Initiatives like computer literacy, Romanian language learning, and creative workshops will be expanded to cater specifically to the needs of refugee children.

"Supporting children, especially Ukrainian refugees, is our priority," emphasised Eugenia Bejan, the library's director. "These programs will help them excel in school, integrate into our community, and discover their creative potential through technology."

WeWorld Moldova, recognizing the library's established educational activities, saw it as the ideal location for a dedicated centre. "We're creating a safe space for learning and cultural immersion," explained project manager Berfu Gur.

facebook/ "Ion Creanga" National Library for Children
Sursa: facebook/ "Ion Creanga" National Library for Children

Giovanna Fotia, WeWorld's country representative, highlighted their commitment to Ukrainian children in Moldova: "This project reflects our broader efforts to provide refugee children with vital resources and opportunities."

Andrei Chistol, secretary of state at the Ministry of Culture, believes the initiative holds lasting benefits: "It fosters creativity, personal growth, and a deeper connection to Moldovan culture for these children."

With a budget of 150,000 lei ($8,500), the project promises ongoing support. Both partners are optimistic about its positive impact on young Ukrainians transitioning to life in Moldova.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

facebook/ "Ion Creanga" National Library for Children
Sursa: facebook/ "Ion Creanga" National Library for Children
facebook/ "Ion Creanga" National Library for Children
Sursa: facebook/ "Ion Creanga" National Library for Children
facebook/ "Ion Creanga" National Library for Children
Sursa: facebook/ "Ion Creanga" National Library for Children

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