
Despite Russian pressure, Moldova paves EU path

Russia's attempt to stymie Moldova's European aspirations appears unsuccessful, as the country strides towards EU accession talks, according to MEP Siegfried Mureșan.

facebook/ Siegfried Mureșan
Sursa: facebook/ Siegfried Mureșan

"Russia aimed to obstruct the launch of accession talks for Moldova, even resorting to Hungary's stance on Ukraine as leverage," Mureșan declared at a press conference. "However, these efforts proved futile. Moldova is demonstrably stepping outside Russia's sphere of influence."

Mureșan pointed to Moldova's recent reform surge, a stark contrast to years of stagnation. "Crucial reforms in justice, anti-corruption, and anti-money laundering have gained significant momentum in the past two years," he emphasised.

This renewed reform drive serves as a key factor behind the European Council's decision on December 14 to greenlight EU accession talks with Moldova.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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