
Teleradio-Moldova launches two new websites for TV Moldova 1 and Radio Moldova

The "Teleradio-Moldova'' company, with the support of the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova within the Government of Romania, launches the websites and, corresponding to radio and television stations. The institution's current website,, remains functional until the new electronic products are fully configured.

The two online platforms are designed to provide audiences with a wide variety of content, from news and audio and video broadcasts to live broadcasts and archived products. For this purpose, they have been equipped with solid TV streaming services, through which it will be possible to watch the live broadcast from TV Moldova 1 and Radio Moldova.

The project is part of the strategy of "Teleradio-Moldova" to expand its editorial operations in the online space. The public broadcasting institution will thus fulfill to an increased extent one of its missions in accordance with the law, that of providing correct information to all citizens of the Republic of Moldova, including those from abroad.

In addition to reflecting current events, local and international, the two platforms will give considerable space to the promotion of the objective of integrating the Republic of Moldova into the European Union, as well as to cultural, educational and infrastructure projects developed together with Romania. At the same time, the sites will focus on countering propaganda and the phenomenon of fake news.

From a technical point of view, the websites și have high scalability, being secured against possible cyber attacks and being able to withstand a large flow of users. Another characteristic of the platforms is their flexibility, which will allow the content to be easily adapted to different designs through the markdown system.

The "Creation of portals for Radio Moldova and TV Moldova 1" project is carried out with the support of the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova within the Government of Romania. The content of the websites and do not represent the official position of the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova of the Government of Romania.

Communication and International Relations Service of Teleradio Moldova Company.

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