
Andrei Spînu: The construction of the Iasi-Ungheni-Chisinau-Odesa highway could cost 3 billion euros and could take over 10 years

The construction of the Iasi-Ungheni-Chisinau-Odesa highway could cost approximately 3 billion euros, said the Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Andrei Spînu. The official stated that each of the 300 kilometers of the section could cost between 8 and 12 million euros. Andrei Spînu estimated that the highway construction works could take 10 years, but more details will be clear after a feasibility study is drawn up by the end of 2025.

"We signed an agreement to carry out the pre-feasibility and feasibility study. At the end of these two studies, it will be clear what the technical parameters of the highway will be, width, geographical points where the highway will pass. Based on this analysis, the estimated cost will be clear. In the summer of this year we will have the pre-feasibility study and at the end of 2025 we will also have the feasibility study. The construction of the entire highway section requires a longer period, which would mean more than ten years", said Andrei Spînu.

We remind you that yesterday a Cooperation Agreement was signed with the European Investment Bank through which the pre-feasibility and feasibility study of the Iasi-Ungheni-Chisinau-Odesa highway construction project will be financed.

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