
The National Institute for Education and Leadership will be launched in Moldova

The first National Institute for Education and Leadership (INEL) in our country will be launched this week. According to the Minister of Education, the creation of this institute is part of the 20 priorities of the Government and the Presidency, included in the National Plan "Building a European Moldova".

"Creating this network of a thousand mentors will help us disseminate good practices in the system, reform the continuous training system and ensure better support for young people who choose this profession," said Dan Perciun.

The minister said that the National Institute for Education and Leadership will be officially launched on Sunday, February 25, and the position of director of the Institute will be exercised by Viorica Andrițchi.

"On Sunday, the mentoring concept will be presented to the entire educational community. We have never had such an approach in the system before. Among the basic responsibilities of the institution is the management of the continuous training of teachers in the education system, the management of the network of a thousand mentors, people who are going to work in educational institutions, people who will help us to address various problems existing in the system", said Perciun.

We remind you that INEL was established last fall and aims to modernize continuous training processes and to improve the quality of teaching in schools.

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