
High demand and lack of forests leave Moldovans without firewood. Natalia Gavrilița: "We are making every effort to cover the need for wood"

Firewood remains in high demand, against the background of a high price for natural gas, so that in some areas of the Republic of Moldova wood stocks have run out or are about to run out. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Natalia Gavrilița, assures that the Government in Chisinau is doing everything possible to provide citizens with enough firewood.

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"There are districts where there is more wood, and people are provided with wood there. However, there are also districts where there are fewer forests", the prime minister told Nord News.

According to the head of the Government in Chisinau, the authorities have developed a mechanism by which the shortage of wood in certain areas of the country will be supplied from the stocks of forest areas where there is more woody mass.

At the same time, according to Natalia Gavrilița, part of the wood brought from Romania will be taken over by the United Nations Refugee Organization, which will distribute the wood in the districts where there is a shortage of wood. The Head of Government says that the Organization will cover, including, transport expenses.

"We will make every effort to cover the need for wood", concluded Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița.

Moldova 1 recalls that the PM announced, on January 9, that the first batches of wood from Romania, 130,000 metres of wood, will arrive in the Republic of Moldova this week.

To be mentioned, in this cold season, firewood prices have been capped, and Moldsilva is the only authorised seller. The state has excluded intermediaries, to avoid the speculative price increase of firewood. To find out which forestry enterprise serves your locality, use the search option available on the government platform

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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