
Two months after the relaunch, over 7,000 passengers traveled by train on the Chisinau-Kiev route

Hundreds of Ukrainians continue to flee the path of war and take refuge in the Republic of Moldova. After a break of 24 years, the Chisinau-Kyiv route was reopened and carries passengers safely, which is why it is one of the most requested. In wartime, the train is one of the safest means of transportation. Once they arrive in our country, refugees say that they feel safe here, even though they are hundreds of kilometres away from home. Some decide to stay, others continue their way to the European Union.

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Anastasia Zelenskaia came to the Republic of Moldova when the war in the neighbouring country started. She says that she has not seen her mother for almost a year. With great emotions and impatience, the young woman was waiting for the train from Ukraine with which her mother came to Chisinau.

"Since the beginning of the war, I fled to the Republic of Moldova. My mother is coming to see me for a little while. I missed her so much. I can barely control my tears," says Anastasia Zelenskaia.

"I came for a week, the girl came here, but I stayed in Kyiv. It's a huge longing, now there are tears of happiness", says Anastasia's mother.

Most of the Ukrainian citizens say that the war is the only reason that makes them leave their own country.

"We're travelling to the airport. In Ukraine the situation is not secure: the lights go out very often, we hear explosions very often, it has already become a habit. We await peace and victory.”;

"My daughter met me. I came from Kyiv. We haven't seen each other for almost a year. There are many explosions, every day you think that there will be nowhere to return to."

The Chisinau - Kyiv train run was launched two months ago. The entire crew was trained how to transport passengers safely, but also how to react in case of bombings.

"It is a very strict control. If there are explosions or sirens, then the train is moving forward, not stopping. It's better to move as far as possible than to stay still", says race manager Valentin Vorocenko.

"The Chisinau-Kyiv route was launched at the beginning of November. On the eve of the winter holidays, the train ran every day. Starting next week, the train will run in one day", says the head of the CFM Maintenance Section, Ana Priseajniuc.

Within two months of its relaunch, more than 7,000 passengers travelled on this route. The price of a Chisinau-Kyiv train ticket varies between 800 and 1,300 lei, depending on the comfort class.

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