
Promoting Security through Support for Candidate Countries

Siegfried Mureșan emphasises the interconnectedness of security within Europe and the importance of providing more support for candidate countries in their efforts to achieve stability and security.

By offering assistance and support to these countries, the European Union can contribute to fostering a safer environment for all member states.

Mureșan's perspective likely reflects the understanding that instability or conflict in candidate countries can have spillover effects, affecting neighbouring countries and potentially impacting the broader region's security. Therefore, investing in the security and stability of candidate countries not only serves their interests but also serves the collective security interests of the European Union as a whole.

Supporting candidate countries may involve various forms of assistance, such as financial aid, capacity building, and diplomatic engagement, aimed at addressing issues such as political instability, economic challenges, and security threats. By addressing these underlying factors, the EU can contribute to building resilience and promoting peace and stability in candidate countries and the wider region.

Ultimately, Mureșan's call for more support for candidate countries reflects a recognition of the shared security interests of European countries and the importance of proactive engagement to address security challenges effectively.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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