Moldovan Church Splits Community Over Affiliation
The church in the village of Răuțel, Fălești district, has decided to join the Bessarabian Metropolis. The announcement, made two days ago by the local mayor, has divided the community.
The topic was debated this morning in front of the church, creating a heated argument among the parishioners.
"I was asked, especially me, the priest of the church in the village of Răuțel, to stand my ground and not to declare myself a supporter of the Bessarabian Metropolis. To declare that I am a supporter of the Metropolis of Moldova, of which I have been and still am a part of. I want to ask you? What do we do next? How do we address this?" asked Victor Țurcanu, priest.
People's opinions were both for and against.
"This Bessarabia has changed all the holidays, but it has left Easter. Change Easter too! - Unfounded talk! Unjustified!" One of the parishioners explained that the founders of the village were Romanian, and the church established in the village is also Romanian. "At that time it was the Romanian Country and they came from there from the Metropolis, or the Patriarchate as it is called. This is the basis of the village, this is the source, the first waters, they came from there. A country at war cannot offer us support, now it cannot help you. It is fighting. But where are 500 million people in Europe, who come, who have built roads and will continue to invest in Moldova... the choice is yours. I do not urge you, I have brought you arguments," said a resident.
The parish priest announced his final decision to leave the Metropolis of Moldova, which is subordinated to Russia. This decision was applauded by some parishioners, while others accused the priest of betraying them.
"My decision is to go to the Bessarabian Metropolis," declared priest Victor Țurcanu.
"I consider the position taken by our church to be a correct one. Today, look at what is happening, someone is standing with a cross in his hand and a machine gun under his arm," said Tudor Istrati, mayor of Răuțel.
After the locals' decision, one of the deacons announced that he would no longer serve at the church in Răuțel.
"I will no longer serve in this holy place, because I do not agree with the transition to the Bessarabian Metropolis. I do not understand why it passed to the Bessarabian Metropolis," announced Gheorghe Jorovlea, deacon.
Recently, the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church decided that all Romanian Orthodox clerics in the Republic of Moldova who return to the Bessarabian Metropolis are canonical clerics and blessed faithful. Any disciplinary sanction against them on the grounds of their belonging to the Romanian Orthodox Church is considered null and void.
Translation by Iurie Tataru