
Moldova Boosts Scholarships, Cuts Red Tape

The Ministry of Education and Research will present a draft resolution for approval to the Cabinet of Ministers, proposing an increase of over 5% for several scholarship categories.

Performance and special scholarships for students at republican arts boarding schools and the National College of Choreography will be included in this increase. Additionally, scholarships for students pursuing bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degrees, as well as for medical residents and clinical secondary school students, will also be augmented. The Ministry of Defense further proposes increasing scholarships for students in military and public order educational institutions, which have remained unchanged for the past five years.

Also on the agenda, ministers will need to review the draft law modifying the state fee. This modification includes eliminating the fee for deregistration from the home records register.

Furthermore, the composition of the delegation negotiating the Financing Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the International Development Association for the implementation of the Rural Connectivity project will be approved.

Finally, the agenda includes the draft resolution approving the reorganisation of the "Automobile" automated information system and the review of draft laws in the fields of justice and finance.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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