
Moldovan Public Divided: Concurrent Referendum & Presidential Elections Debated

The Constitutional Court announced last week that the referendum could coincide with the presidential elections. Reporters from Moldova 1 questioned the public's opinion on this matter. While some welcome the simultaneous conduct of the two events, others argue for their separation.


Public Opinion:

"I am in favour. My husband and I plan to participate and encourage others to make an informed choice, moving towards the European Union."

"It would be preferable for the elections to occur once, without additional expenses for a referendum, followed by the presidential elections."

"I believe there is still a lack of awareness among the populace. We require more comprehensive information. As it stands, we are inadequately informed."

"I consider the proposed referendum to be redundant. Given that many already possess Romanian passports, we are essentially part of Europe. Our focus should be on advancing the country, addressing economic concerns, and combating corruption, which is pervasive. This, in my opinion, is our primary challenge, rather than aligning further with Europe."

"While I acknowledge the importance of holding a referendum, a decision I observe in many countries, I question the timing. It might be more appropriate either sooner or later."

"It would be beneficial to have a referendum. Joining the European Union would be advantageous."


Public Opinion:

"Many young people here lament the lack of employment opportunities and low wages. Joining the European Union could potentially offer higher salaries and opportunities domestically."

"The significant improvements we've witnessed, such as access to water and sewage systems for all households in our communities, are largely attributed to the strong partnership between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union."

"The Republic of Moldova's accession to the European Union is essential for promoting peace, security, and integrity. These are values that Moldova urgently requires."


Public Opinion:

"I believe the referendum should be scheduled for a different day to avoid complications with the presidential elections."

"Different issues necessitate separate dates for voting. This is a matter of significance."

"To prevent confusion among voters, it would be wise to hold the referendum on a different day. Those who are engaged and informed will understand the implications. However, a considerable portion of the population remains unprepared."

"As a resident of both the Republic of Moldova and Gagauzia, I find the proposed arrangement unfair. The referendum could be arranged at a later time, once a decision on European Union accession is confirmed."

It is noteworthy that the Constitutional Court recently dismissed a request from the Bloc of Communists and Socialists to examine the constitutionality of conducting the republican referendum concurrently with presidential or parliamentary elections. The Court justified its decision by citing the common practice in European nations of holding multiple polls simultaneously. Additionally, they noted that consolidating the referendum with elections could increase voter turnout and reduce costs.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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