
Moldova's Public Broadcaster Gets Major Upgrade

The major transformations underway at Teleradio-Moldova and their alignment with international broadcasting standards were discussed today at a roundtable event.

Company representatives state that these changes will become evident in less than two years, transforming the public broadcaster into a modern, inclusive, and audience-centric organisation. Representatives from Parliament, civil society, and professional organisations offered suggestions for enhancing the diversity of audiovisual programming.

The company's representatives have developed a five-step plan for implementation. This plan includes a common strategy for all platforms, digital transformation, and development of niche offerings; the collection and analysis of audience data; strengthening human resources; and outsourcing complex productions, particularly within the entertainment sector.

Newsroom, Training, and New Headquarters

"We are implementing a newsroom, which will become fully functional, on television, radio, and online. The work methods for collecting and presenting information will be different from what we have had until now. Our programming is also expected to change significantly in a year or two," said Vlad Țurcanu, Director General of Teleradio-Moldova.

Focus on High-Quality Productions and Digitalization

"We have insisted on large productions for the last year because this is what Moldova 1 can do, and now we are the only ones in the country who can do this, large productions, but this does not mean that we are only focusing on them. We can no longer have talking heads, we can no longer have discussions for an hour or even 30 minutes, because no one watches them anymore, as international statistics show," said Corneliu Durnescu, Director of TV Moldova 1.

"The Public Institution TRM has come out of relative isolation, first of all from its public and from its development partners. This is felt because more and more people are watching and listening to us, and at the same time, more and more partners are showing their desire to cooperate with us," said Andrei Zapșa, Deputy Director for Development.

Those present at the roundtable argued that change starts with a brand vision. Digitalization was highlighted as a key strength, enabling the public company to effectively respond to the evolving needs of its audience and deliver high-quality content.

Strong Brand Vision and Support from Parliament

"I see a strong potential to create a contrast in everything that the Teleradio-Moldova brands mean. What does it mean to create contrast, to create a strong leap between before and after? When expectations are low, you can really surprise. Such a change usually starts with a strong brand vision," said Eugen Boico, Director of Publicis Moldova

"I believe that everyone has noticed that there are qualitative changes in what Teleradio-Moldova does and how it does it. It is good that there is a strategy document. We will be the ones to support it in terms of legislation and public policy development," said Liliana Nicolăescu-Onofrei, Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Culture, Education, Research, Youth, Sport, and Mass Media.

Partnership with BBC

Teleradio-Moldova has signed a two-year partnership agreement with the UK's leading public broadcaster, the BBC. The collaboration covers several key areas and aims to increase the relevance, quality, and diversity of programs, while ensuring the long-term sustainability of the company.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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