
Since Monday, garbage from Chisinau will be processed at a recycling plant

More than 190,000 tons of waste, collected from the capital, reach the Țânțăreni landfill every year. Thanks to a project to be implemented by the municipality, starting from Monday, this garbage will no longer be buried, but will be sorted and processed by a private company, which today signed a contract with Chisinau City Hall. And so that the waste can be recycled, the inhabitants of the capital are urged to sort it even before throwing it in the dumpster.

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A simple plastic bottle, thrown at random and not recycled, decomposes in at least 450 years, say experts, who state that this period can last as long as 1,000 years. Meanwhile, a plastic bag breaks down in about 55 years. Thanks to the project to be implemented by the municipality, all waste collected from the city, about 190,000 tons per year, would be sorted and sent for recycling.

"I brought this packaging to crushed flakes, washed well and, if we look carefully, we have a casserole, it is not produced in the Republic of Moldova, it is produced in Austria, delivered, from flakes, which we produced from glass, which responsible citizens throw away one bottle at a time", says the director of the recycling factory, Serghei Balica.

Residents of the city say they sort their garbage, especially plastic and paper.

"I don't sort it at home, but I bring it here and here I add it, paper to paper, plastic to plastic, metal to metal.";

"I don't put the bottle together with the paper, separate paper, but not everyone understands. Adults understand and do well.

Regia "Autosalubritate" currently has over 10,800 containers located at the waste storage platforms. This year, 3,000 new containers were purchased, of which 1,000 have already arrived in the capital.

"We collect, 'Autosalubritate', then we take the sorter to his facility in the waste sorting area. All the trucks will be unloaded there, then the sorting procedure will take place, the identification of recyclable waste*", says the director of "Autosalubritate", Igor Gîrlea.

"Chisinau becomes the first capital of a municipality, city, locality in the Republic of Moldova, which will recycle such a large mass of waste and will receive the objectives set at the national level", says the mayor of the capital, Ion Ceban.

In the first stage, Chisinau residents will have to sort paper, plastic, metal and glass. The validity of the contract is five years, and its value is over 217 million lei.

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