
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi: Republic of Moldova - an example for Europe and the whole world

The Republic of Moldova is an extraordinary example for Europe and the whole world, said the High Commissioner of the UN Refugee Agency, Filippo Grandi. The United Nations diplomat came to Chisinau and visited the Refugee Assistance Center at Moldexpo. According to him, both the authorities and the people have generously dealt with the humanitarian crisis, and the financial assistance will continue.

Today, Moldexpo functions as an assistance center for the UN Refugee Agency. Those who have taken shelter in our country, come here only to register for the monthly financial aid of approximately two thousand lei from the agency or for legal assistance. Most refugees have integrated well into society. I found Lena Volkova from Nikolaev at the Moldexpo center, where she works for UNICEF. "My child is four years old and goes to kindergarten here. I sent him to kindergarten. And my mother works at a kindergarten as an educator's aid. We found employment for all of them," says Lena Volkova, a refugee. Andrei Dragnev spent his youth in Chisinau, but once he retired from active life he settled in his hometown, Bolgrad. Now he has returned to spend the winter with his daughter. "It's cold here. We have nothing, no heating, no water. Sometimes we don't have electricity for several days. We have no difficulties here, it's good here", says Andrei Dragnev, a refugee. The High Commissioner of the UN Refugee Agency, Filippo Grandi, returned to the Republic of Moldova after almost 11 months. His conclusion is that our country is an example to follow. "The Republic of Moldova is an excellent example. I want to use this example so that other countries can see that a small country with limited resources and a lot of problems, including being so close to war, managed to keep its doors open and host refugees generously . This is an extraordinary example for Europe and the whole world", said the High Commissioner of the UN Refugee Agency, Filippo Grandi. Filippo Grandi appreciates the fact that the authorities have established a protection regime for refugees for a period of one year. According to him, the financial assistance of the UN agency will continue. About 100 thousand refugees remained in the Republic of Moldova, but since the beginning of the war, over half a million Ukrainians have passed through our country.

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