
Igor Grosu: Transnistrian problem does not represent an impediment to the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the EU

The Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova does not represent an impediment to the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union. The statement was made by the President of the Parliament, Igor Grosu, during an interview for the Romanian news portal G4Media.

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According to the Moldovan Speaker, the perspective of the Republic of Moldova's accession to the EU will contribute to solving the problem.

"What we have to do is to show change, reforms, viable institutions on the right bank, so that for our citizens on the left bank the difference appears, people see the difference between the regime with Soviet, criminal, occupation ingredients because we have the 14th Russian army there – and so on, and a pro-Western, pro-European democratic system in Chisinau. People need to feel this difference. I believe that the fact that we obtained the status of a candidate country speaks for itself about the fact that it cannot be an impediment (n. r. the conflict in the Transnistrian region), otherwise we would not have obtained this status. In the end, it depends on us how inclusive, how active we will be in promoting our pro-European agenda", said Igor Grosu.

The head of the Moldovan legislature stated that the conflict was neither inter-ethnic nor religious, but one artificially produced by the Russian Federation. He reiterated that 70 percent of everything produced by the industry on the left of the Dniester is exported towards the EU markets, adding that after February 24, when the war in Ukraine started, the traditional connections with the Russian Federation were broken.

Talking about the maintenance of the current 5+2 format, the head of the Legislature emphasized that it was non-functional, and after the end of the war, it would have to be reviewed to make it viable one.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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