
"I speak five languages." The story of a Moldovan violinist who dreams of becoming an ambassador

He dreamed of becoming a performance violinist since childhood, and for that he left home at the age of only 10. It is the story of Igor Cadelnic from the Glodeni district, who is now studying diplomacy at the Libre University in Brussels, Belgium. Even though he managed to achieve notorious results in music, delighting more people with the sounds of the violin, now the young man says that he is determined to contribute to the prosperity of the Republic of Moldova, on the diplomatic level.

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Sursa: imagine simbol

"I have been studying for five years in four different countries: I was a student in Romania, during my bachelor's degree I also studied in Turkey, and now for my master's degree I studied in Germany and now I am in Brussels. I know five languages", says the student.

Igor Cadelnic says that he left home from the village of Petrunea, Glodeni district, when he was only 10 years old to study the violin at the "George Enescu" music school in Balti. Later, he went to Chisinau, then to Bucharest where he continued with music, but also with studies in the field of diplomacy and international relations.

"Many know me as a performance violinist. I am currently doing concerts together with the orchestras to which I am invited, and in the future I plan to organise my own concerts", says the young man.

For academic performance, extra-curricular involvement and for promoting the image of our country abroad, Igor recently received three important awards, including the Grand Prize, from national and international organisations. The awards were handed to him at the end of December, in Chisinau, during the Gala of Students originating from the Republic of Moldova.

"These awards give me an impetus to continue working, to prove that the students of the Republic of Moldova are worthy to represent this country abroad and to motivate me to accumulate as much knowledge as possible and return home to implement all my capabilities in the development and prosperity of our society", says Igor Cadelnic.

Currently, according to some data, several thousand students from the Republic of Moldova are studying abroad.

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