
Mircea Geoană: Ucraina are nevoie urgentă de apărare aeriană. NATO nu are nicio intenție să intervină în acest conflict

The Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Mircea Geoană, said in an interview to the German daily "Tagesspiegel" that Ukraine urgently needs air defense and he emphasized that NATO has no intention of intervening in this conflict and is trying to avoid an escalation, writes

The deputy general secretary of NATO commented for the German publication the idea of supporting the Ukrainian air defense from neighboring NATO countries, such as Romania or Poland, informs

"Ukraine urgently needs air defense and I would like to thank Germany for its contribution in this regard. But no, there is a clear demarcation line between NATO territory and non-NATO territory. The mutual assistance clause in Article 5 of the NATO Treaty applies exclusively to NATO territory and member states", said Mircea Geoană in the interview.

He noted that “NATO has no intention of intervening in this conflict. Therefore, we are trying to avoid an escalation. We support Ukraine to defend itself and to repel Russian aggression", said Geoană.

Regarding the situation on the front in Ukraine and the risk of losing the war, Mircea Geoană emphasized that "this is one of the most delicate moments of the war".

"We need to make sure that, while we are rightly concerned, we do not become too pessimistic about how the situation will develop. Currently, Russia is making some small tactical gains. From a military point of view, they are definitely valuable," he said. According to Geoană, "Moscow is taking advantage of Ukraine's current weakness to expand the front line." "We are currently seeing this with the attacks from the northeast against Kharkiv. But Putin knows that Ukraine will soon receive new equipment, ammunition and technology from the West. It is also a war of logistics", explained the Deputy Secretary General of NATO.

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