
Moldova: Environment Hurdle in EU Accession Talks

Following an explanatory screening process initiated in February and expected to conclude by the end of May, the environment chapter has emerged as one of the most challenging areas within the scope of European legislation for Moldova.

The extensive environmental policy framework of the European Union (EU) includes numerous standards that the Republic of Moldova has yet to implement, as highlighted by Cristina Gherasimov, Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, in a recent interview with Moldova 1.

Officials from various ministries and agencies in Moldova have thus far reviewed 27 of the 33 negotiation chapters for accession to the EU. These reviews, conducted during explanatory sessions at the European Commission, are intended to prepare Moldova for subsequent transposition of EU legislation into national law. Though technical in nature, this exercise is considered essential for progressing towards the next stages of the accession process.

"Our objective in this undertaking is to analyse this body of legislation," explained Deputy Prime Minister Gherasimov. "This analysis will equip our sectoral institutions, civil society, the private sector, and public agencies with a clear understanding of the steps required to align ourselves with EU legislation."

Following the conclusion of the explanatory screening process at the end of this month, a bilateral screening process is anticipated to commence. This would occur after the intergovernmental conference marking the official opening of accession negotiations, which is tentatively scheduled for June. During this conference, Moldova will present its national regulatory and institutional framework alongside a detailed schedule for transposing EU legislation.

"This stage will essentially establish the starting position for each negotiation chapter," remarked Daniela Morari, Moldova's Ambassador to Brussels. "This will clarify whether Moldova is approaching negotiations from a nascent, intermediate, or very advanced position. Based on this shared understanding, both Moldova and the EU will formulate their respective negotiation stances."

In preparation for the intergovernmental conference, EU member states are currently finalising the negotiating framework.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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