
Vladislav Gribincea and Stella Bleșceaga, proposed to President Maia Sandu for positions at the SCJ

The Superior Council of the Magistracy (CSM) proposed to the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, the appointment of two candidates to the position of judge at the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ). It is about the lawyer Vladislav Gribincea and the magistrate Stella Bleșceaga.

The CSM conducted interviews on June 5 with seven candidates who passed the financial and ethical evaluation. Ion Munteanu, appointed in the meantime to the position of general prosecutor, withdrew from the contest.

The Council announces that, following the performance of the candidates and the analysis of the personal file materials, they have been evaluated as follows: • Ciocanu Aliona scored 38 points, • Chirtoacă Leonid scored 62.75 points, • Brigai Sergiu scored 69.5 points, • Gribincea Vladislav scored 92.5 points, • Bleșceaga Stella scored 84 points, • Lealin Iuri scored 65.75 points, • Corcenco Aliona scored 48 points, • Munteanu Ion withdrew from the competition based on the submitted application.

"According to art. 7 para. 3 of the Law on the Supreme Court of Justice and p. 30 of the Regulation on the selection of judges of the Supreme Court of Justice, the Superior Council of the Magistracy proposed to the President of the Republic of Moldova the appointment of the following candidates as judges of the Supreme Court of Justice: Vladislav Gribincea and Stella Bleșceaga ", announced the CSM.

We remind you that the Parliament approved the reform of the SCJ, in the spring of 2023. After the reform, the Court will be made up of 20 magistrates. Representatives of other legal professions, such as lawyers, prosecutors or university professors in the field of law, can also apply for positions in the SCJ. In order to become a judge of the SCJ, the candidates must, however, at the first stage, pass the Vetting - the external evaluation of financial and ethical integrity. Afterwards, the conclusions of the Commission are sent for examination to the Superior Council of the Magistracy.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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