
EVO application, available in the Republic of Moldova. Dumitru Alaiba: All the documents you need will be in your phone

The EVO government application was launched today in the Republic of Moldova. Thus, the mobile application will make available a wallet of digital documents, where they will be able to access: identity card, driver's license and registration certificates, announced the Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization, Dumitru Alaiba.

"From today, you can leave your identity card, driver's license, registration certificate at home. All the documents you need will be in your phone. After months of work, integration and testing, today we offer EVO to everyone. The digital document wallet. EVO is more than just an app. It integrates and encompasses the best and most important public services we have. All in one place - in your phone," Alaiba wrote on his Facebook page.

According to the minister, in the EVO mobile application, citizens will be able to access data on fines, vehicles, real estate, border crossings, insured status, family doctor.

"This is just the beginning. EVO is only at version 1. Improvements will follow, because digital transformation is a process, not a destination. (...) EVO is the product of all of us! Everything we do is for the comfort of our citizens," said the minister. Access to EVO is simple and free, for this each person only needs the electronic signature. The application can be downloaded for both Android and iOS.

According to the Government, the implementation of the EVO application is carried out with the support of development partners (the Future Technologies project, financed by USAID, Sweden and Great Britain; as well as UNDP), the cost is over 3.5 million lei.

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