
Hungary Agrees Not to Block NATO Aid for Ukraine, Stays Neutral

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated in a joint press conference with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban that Budapest has agreed not to block the alliance's military aid to Ukraine but will not participate directly.

Stoltenberg arrived in Budapest ahead of the NATO summit, during which they will discuss the alliance's decision to more actively support Ukraine in its confrontation with Russian military aggression.

According to the Secretary General, during the meeting with Orban, a mechanism was established to ensure that NATO will not use Hungarian resources to assist Ukraine.

"I am pleased that today, the Prime Minister and I have approved a plan ensuring Hungary will not participate in NATO's support for Ukraine. No Hungarian personnel will be involved in this activity, and no Hungarian funds will be used. At the same time, the Prime Minister assured me that Hungary will not hinder these efforts and will allow other allies to proceed," Stoltenberg said.

It should be noted that Hungary previously blocked European Union decisions regarding military aid for Ukraine. Furthermore, Budapest also opposes the official opening of negotiations for Ukraine's accession to the European Union, despite a majority of member states wishing this to occur by the end of June, according to diplomatic sources. Budapest insists that Ukraine has not fulfilled all conditions.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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