
The achievements of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine in the European course, discussed by Cristina Gherasimov with the Ukrainian counterpart

The Republic of Moldova and Ukraine are preparing for the intergovernmental conference, which will take place on June 25, in Luxembourg. Then the accession negotiations of the two countries to the European Union would be initiated. The subject was discussed by the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Cristina Gherasimov and her counterpart from Ukraine, Olga Stefanishyna.

The discussions focused on the achievements registered by both countries in the European course and which were the basis of the positive decision of the European Commission.

Also, Cristina Gherasimov and Olga Stefanishyna spoke about the decision of the ambassadors of the European Union member states who recommended the initiation of accession negotiations.

The Republic of Moldova and Ukraine applied for EU membership in March 2022 and were granted candidate status in June 2022. In December 2023, EU leaders decided to open accession negotiations.

At the end of last week, Deputy Prime Minister Cristina Gherasimov informed that the first Moldova-EU intergovernmental conference will take place on June 25. European leaders, as well as President Maia Sandu, welcomed the start of negotiations.

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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