
LIVE: Cabinet of Ministers meets in session

The Cabinet of Ministers meets today, June 26, in session. In all, there are 20 topics on the agenda.

On the agenda is the Agreement on mutual recognition of driving licenses issued by the authorities of the Republic of Moldova and Greece. Another draft decision on the agenda provides for equal access for women and men to goods and services. This amendment aims to implement equal treatment between men and women, to extend the principle of equal treatment beyond the scope of the labor market and professional life to other areas of everyday life.

The ministers will also approve the organization and operation regulations, as well as the composition of the National Coordinating Council in the Field of Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence.

In addition, the Government will approve the signing of the Loan Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, worth over 40 million euros. The money will be earmarked for the "Political Development Operation to Support Growth and Resilience in Moldova" program.

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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