
The Anti Corruption Prosecutor's Office completed the criminal investigation regarding Vladimir Andronachi

The Anti Corruption Prosecutor's Office ended the criminal investigation on Vladimir Andronachi and an accomplice in the case generically named "Bank Fraud".

As a result of the facts imputed to the defendants, the state of the Republic of Moldova was prejudiced in the amount of over 26 million lei, its value being covered by the seizures applied.

"Furthermore, the defence side will get to know the materials of the criminal case materialised in 76 volumes as well as the electronic information", the Anti Corruption Prosecutor's Office reports.

Moldova 1 reminds its viewers that the investigations in this case concern criminal acts committed by several criminal groups organised as part of a criminal organisation, in 2010-2015, with several cases being connected to the basic criminal case.

At the moment, more than 60 people have the status of accused.

On November 2, 2022, Vladimir Andronachi received the impeachment order, being suspected that a company controlled by him concluded an investment contract with Banca de Economii SA under the false pretext of rebuilding and repairing a new headquarters for the bank. Under this contract, the bank transferred approximately 32 million lei. The money was converted, placed and layered by Andronachi, through several non-resident companies with accounts opened in two banks in Latvia.

About 6 million lei were returned to Banca de Economii SA in the process of liquidation in 2015, resulting in a total loss of about 26 million lei. For the most part, according to the Anti Corruption Prosecutor's Office, the money stolen through fraud and money laundering was used for personal expenses, the purchase of real estate and cars, as well as investment in other businesses.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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