
Earth Overshoot Day: Environment Agency urges citizens to protect natural resources

The Environment Agency urges citizens to be actively involved in protecting and preserving natural resources, in the context of today's Earth Overshoot Day.

Thus, the institution presented several recommendations to reduce the alarming rate at which people use the planet's natural resources. Among them are reducing energy consumption, food waste, plastic use by using reusable bags, water bottles and recyclable containers, protecting biodiversity, using public transport, cycling or walking instead of your personal car, purchasing sustainable products and quality instead of disposable ones, repairing and reusing objects.

According to the Global Footprint Network, Earth Overshoot Day is being marked earlier and earlier in recent years, reflecting the rapid increase in resource consumption and pressure on ecosystems.

Thus, the Environment Agency warns that if this trend continues, the impact on the environment will be irreversible, seriously affecting biodiversity, the climate and the vital resources of the planet.

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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