
LIVE TEXT // Solemn meeting at the Parliament to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova

The Parliament met in solemn session to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova. The event was attended by current deputies, former legislators, presidents of the country and Parliament, of the Constitutional Court, members of the Commission and the working group for the drafting of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, who were directly involved in the drafting of the Supreme Law of the state.

UPDATE: 12:05 p.m. The President of the Legal Commission for Appointments, Discipline, Immunities and Validations of the Romanian Senate, Cristian-Augustin Niculescu-Țâgârlaș:

"Today, in an extremely difficult geopolitical context, we can firmly say that, yes, the Republic of Moldova is an independent and sovereign state, the common and indivisible homeland of all its citizens, a state that recognizes and guarantees everyone's right to preserve, the development and expression of ethnic, cultural, linguistic, religious identity. I met many officials from the Republic of Moldova, in Bucharest, Chisinau, but also Strasbourg. I can state emphatically that the European Union and its Member States are united in their unwavering support for you. Romania and the Romanians are firm to support you in the European path, important and legitimate, through our position and experience of 17 years as an EU member country, but also as a NATO member country".

I am fully confident that the relations between our states and peoples will continue to develop in a mutually beneficial manner, according to the provisions assumed by the Declaration on the establishment of the Strategic Partnership between our countries, with the main objective being the European integration of the Republic of Moldova.

UPDATE: 11:51 BCS MPs have left the meeting hall.

UPDATE: 11:50 Deputy chairman of the Parliament, President of the Communist and Socialist Bloc Parliamentary Fraction, Vlad Bătrâncea. "Initially we did not plan to attend this meeting, we are present here only out of respect for the Supreme Law, the Constitution. We are here out of our respect for those who contributed to the drafting and adoption of the Constitution, which is the Bible of the country, the foundation of the state, is the guarantor of the people's sovereignty. The Republic of Moldova is a state of law, democratic, in which human dignity, rights and freedoms, the free development of the human personality, justice and political pluralism represent supreme values and are guaranteed".

"(...)Unfortunately, we don't have many reasons to be happy 30 years after the Constitution. We cannot say that today the Constitution is respected. The faction will take several steps in this regard. It is not a reason for a solemn event. The fraction of the Bloc of Communists and Socialists leaves this meeting".

UPDATE: 11:45 chairperson of PAS faction, Doina Gherman: “Our constitution guarantees equal rights to all citizens, but it is our duty to ensure that these rights are respected. Today, when we celebrate 30 years since the adoption of the Constitution, let us not forget that freedom and democracy must be defended every day with determination, courage and solidarity. In the spirit of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, let's build our country where every citizen, regardless of gender or origin, ethnicity or spoken language, has equal chances, opportunities and rights. Dear citizens, dear colleagues, let's build a European Moldova together".

UPDATE: 11:35 Member of the Constitutional Court, Nicolae Roșca: “The constitution is the foundational book of a nation, a construct of ideas and principles that define the path to a unity based on justice and equity. It is not just a simple set of rules and norms of conduct, but represents a solemn pact between citizens and authorities, an anchor of order and social harmony. (...) Today's meeting demonstrates our deep sense of gratitude and respect for the Constitution as the fundamental law that has guided our course as an independent and democratic state. In the last three decades, our Constitution not only became the foundation on which a democratic, European-oriented state is built, but was and remains a symbol of constitutional identity, ensuring our society the necessary stability in the face of continuous challenges and changes."

UPDATE: 11:30 Prime Minister Dorin Recean: "The Republic of Moldova is an independent and democratic state, with free people, whose rights are respected and protected. These are the fundamental elements that are inscribed in our Constitution, which 30 years ago was adopted in response to the aspirations of citizens to live in a sovereign country, in an independent country. Today we perceive democracy as a way of life because only democracy can generate prosperity and freedom. Democracy also means the responsibility to develop and modernize our society, and this effort is a continuous one for those of today and for the generations to come". *

(...)In the context of the anniversary, we must be realistic and recognize that we are still having an intense fight for the supremacy of the law in the Republic of Moldova. The joint effort of all branches of power in the state will ensure everyone's equality before the law. With all the resistance that exists and is still growing I trust that we will succeed. Today's anniversary coincides with the important changes that our society is going through now, through which we are firmly building our path to European integration. Let's not forget the work of those who fought for our freedom and democracy 33 years ago. Together with the people, they dreamed of a country where every citizen would enjoy equal rights and development opportunities, and today we have the chance to honor the legacy of the independence generation by choosing a developed and prosperous Moldova." UPDATE: 11:20 Parliament Speaker, Igor Grosu: "It is 30 years since the adoption of the Supreme Law of the country, which regulates our public life and the existence of each individual, which unites people around a common goal. The safe life of citizens in a prosperous country, in a sovereign, unitary and indivisible state, a state of law where justice is functional and fundamental human rights are above all. In the room we are honoured to have those deputies present at that meeting on July 29, 1994 (…) I am glad that at 29 years old, on March 16, 2023, together with my colleagues, the Romanian language is the official language of the state," declared Igor Grosu, Parliament Speaker."

(...) The constitution for a state is not only a legal act, but it transposes some meanings and values, including those of identity, into the lives of citizens and the entire society. All our identity markers: language, history, tradition, culture and religion prove that Moldovans are European and have a European vocation. The state of the Republic of Moldova maintains the same aspirations, and after October 20 this desire for European integration will be introduced into the fundamental law of the country, with the vote of the citizens.

Also today, the practical-scientific conference "The Constitution of the Republic of Moldova at 30 years and European integration" will be held, which will be hosted by the president of the Legal Commission, Appointments and Immunities, Veronica Roșca, and her counterpart from the Romanian Senate, Cristian-Augustin Niculescu-Tâgârlas.

Also, during these days, the Parliament hosts a thematic exhibition dedicated to this anniversary, which contains over 150 publications selected from the collections of the National Library of the Republic of Moldova, the Library and the archive of the Legislative, which capitalize on the Supreme Law of the state.

The constitution was adopted by Parliament on 29 July 1994 and entered into force on 27 August of the same year. The document comprises 143 articles, as well as eight articles of final and transitional provisions, is the legal basis of all legislation and is the document with the greatest regulatory authority in the public, political and social life of the country.

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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