
President of the Republic of Moldova hands the state flag to the athletes participating in the Paralympic Games in Paris

The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, together with the Minister of Education and Research, Dan Perciun, today, during a festive ceremony organized at the Presidency, handed over the state flag to the National Paralympic Team, which will represent the country at the Paralympic Games in Paris.

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During the ceremony, President Maia Sandu emphasized the effort and determination of the Paralympic athletes, stating that they prove daily that "through work, courage and will, all obstacles can be overcome". The head of state also highlighted the outstanding performances of Moldovan athletes at the Olympic Games, emphasizing that "we have the largest number of medals obtained since independence".

"Dear athletes participating in the Paralympic games, dear coaches, team members, I am honoured to hand you your flag, to people who every day prove to all of us that through work, courage and will, all obstacles can be overcome and nothing is impossible when there is perseverance and passion. We thank you for the valuable life lessons you give us, because we know that you have to work much harder than others to achieve great results", said Maia Sandu.

Minister Dan Perciun wished them success and encouraged the Moldovan athletes to remember the country's support during the competition, praising the courage and perseverance they showed.

"This flag is not only a symbol of sovereignty but represents the hopes and aspirations of an entire people who will be with you step by step on this journey. You are living examples of courage, determination, and perseverance, it is not easy to overcome your own limits, but you have shown that nothing is impossible when there is desire and passion. When you step on the fields of Paris, remember that you are not alone, the whole country will support you, millions of hearts will beat with yours, and every victory will be a source of inspiration for all", said Dan Perciun.

The President of the Paralympic Committee of the Republic of Moldova, Oleg Crețul, believes that the flag of the Republic of Moldova should fly at the Paralympic Games in Paris, stating that "the Paralympic team is ready and our flag will fly at the Paralympic Games to let the whole world know us" . We mention that the Republic of Moldova will be represented by five athletes at the Paralympic Games in Paris, which will take place between August 28 and September 8. The national team includes Ion Basoc, Ina Cernei, Larisa Marinenkova, Oleg Crețul, Gheorghe Spînu will compete for medals in three sports events - para judo, para powerlifting and para-athletics.

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