
What violations ANSA has detected in supermarkets and shopping centres

Foodstuffs with expired shelf life, improper hygienic conditions and lack of information for consumers. These are some of the violations detected by ANSA inspectors in recent planned inspections carried out at several food and trade outlets in the capital.

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The Territorial Directorate for Food Safety of the Chisinau municipality subjected the work of seven public food businesses and nine supermarkets and shopping centres to checks. Inspections were also carried out at a market and a warehouse in the capital.

Inspectors documented several non-compliances and serious violations of food safety legislation, such as: lack of a traceability system for food products; lack of information about producers; food products with expired shelf life; unlabelled products; inadequate hygienic condition of food establishments. ANSA representatives also discovered that, in some cases, the neighbourliness of products was not respected and the menu offered to consumers was not in line with legal requirements. Among other irregularities were: lack of mandatory information (energy value, net quantity, presence of allergens); lack of medical control and hygiene training of staff and lack of visible information for consumers.

Twenty-two infringement notices were issued on the basis of the non-compliances detected, for both legal persons and persons in positions of responsibility in the checked businesses.

As a result of the controls, marketing restrictions were imposed on non-compliant food products of animal and non-animal origin in a total quantity of about 4,800 kg, reads ANSA's release.

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