
Moldova police receive major donation for enhanced capabilities

The Police of the Republic of Moldova has received a new donation as part of the project "Strengthening National Police Capacities in the Republic of Moldova," which is implemented by the International Organization for Migration and funded by the Embassy of Canada in Romania, Bulgaria, and Moldova.

The donation comprises 10 patrol vehicles to enhance the police response to emergencies, 40 body-worn cameras to increase accountability and aid in preventing corruption, 40 rugged tablets to boost officers' ability to access databases in real-time, 5 advanced smuggling detection kits to improve the detection of cross-border crimes, and 20 workstations.

"All these benefits will enhance the efficiency of the police, improve reaction times, and bolster integrity and quality documentation of service. We are deeply grateful to our partners for their ongoing support to the National Police and for their contribution to enhancing the quality of police work," stated Viorel Cernăuțeanu, head of the General Inspectorate of Police (IGP).

In recognition of the support provided to strengthen the police capabilities of the Republic of Moldova, the head of the National Police awarded the "Medal for Cooperation" from the General Inspectorate of Police to Gavin Buchan, the Canadian Ambassador to Romania, Bulgaria, and Moldova.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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