
US Government Donation: Border Police receive four modern intervention vehicles

Four brand-new intervention cars equipped with state-of-the-art computer systems. This is the latest donation from the Government of the United States of America to the Border Police of the Republic of Moldova. Thanks to this high-performance equipment, border guards will have access to the entire national information system and will be able to retrieve images in real time.

The new computers will replace some of the outdated ones in the institution's equipment. As a result, the process of crossing the state border will be speeded up.

"The computing equipment, being in these cars, is going to the front line. Four fully equipped field vehicles and today we are launching the new procedures of patrolling activity in the area of competence," Border Police Chief Rosian Vasiloi pointed out.

In addition, the donation will help to manage more effectively the refugee crisis and hybrid threats, which are growing in intensity in Moldova.

"The Border Police is traditionally on the front line. Our partners throughout the democratic world can count on us, on the people of Moldova, to be on guard," says Interior Minister Ana Revenco.

"These vehicles equipped with the most advanced technologies are a model for this assistance from the US, based on the concept of mobile patrol teams," stressed the US ambassador in Chisinau, Kent Logsdon.

Overall value of the donation, provided by the US Government, is $830,000.

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