
e-Bilet system to modernise online ticket purchasing in Moldova by 2025

Starting in 2025, tickets for road transport will also be available for purchase online through the "e-Bilet" information system, according to representatives of the National Road Transport Agency.

Until then, tickets can still be purchased at bus station counters, and transport operators are required to issue receipts.

Nicolae Aleinov, head of the Information Technology Department at the National Road Transport Agency, noted that the implementation of the "e-Bilet" system will significantly improve payment efficiency and convenience, enhance ticket management for both users and operators, and optimise route administration. He added that the system's launch is scheduled for the end of January, following a thorough testing phase.

"'e-Bilet' is a subsystem of the integrated transport management system, whose technical concept was approved in 2020. It aims to modernise the entire transport network, including regional and interregional services, with hopes to eventually extend it to international routes as well," Aleinov explained.

While some citizens welcome the opportunity to buy tickets online, others prefer the traditional cash payment method at the station counter, considering it simpler and more secure.

"I think it would be a great improvement; you know the transport time in advance," one person commented. "For older people, though, it could be challenging since many of them don't use the internet or smartphones," another remarked. "Overall, I think it would be beneficial," a third individual added.

New regulations for transport operators require them to install cash registers, with receipts that must include detailed information such as the route name, departure and arrival stations, date and time, reserved seat number, and the cost of the trip and luggage. These measures are expected to enhance the overall management of public transport, according to the National Road Transport Agency.

It should be noted that 11 million lei have been allocated for the implementation of the "e-Bilet" information system.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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