September 20 - start of the electoral campaign
Today, the electoral campaign begins for the participants in the constitutional republican referendum and the candidates for the position of president of the Republic of Moldova on October 20, 2024. According to the legislation, during the electoral campaign, political advertising is prohibited and only electoral advertising is allowed for candidates and referendum participants registered by to the CEC.

Also, the electoral legislation prohibits candidates from using administrative resources, including by launching or participating in the launch of infrastructure projects or purchases made from the national public budget, using equipment, means, public goods. Public and similar authorities/institutions may not transmit/grant public goods or other favors to electoral contestants except on the basis of a contract, under equal conditions.
Electoral competitors are prohibited from organizing concerts, contests, other events or demonstrations with the involvement of performers, creative and/or artistic staff both from the country and abroad, displaying slogans or other messages during them and/ or the distribution of materials containing the symbolism of the electoral competitor or other identification elements, as well as the participation in these events for the purpose of political promotion. Electoral contestants can organize meetings with voters, and the authorities are obliged to ensure the possibility of holding such meetings under equal terms and conditions.
In this context, the Central Electoral Commission calls on the electoral contestants to conduct an electoral campaign in strict accordance with the provisions of the electoral legislation.
The last day for submitting documents - September 20
CEC has registered four candidates for the position of President of the Republic of Moldova, five other files are under examination.
Also, the CEC registered ten participants in the referendum, two other files are under examination.
Candidates and participants in the referendum, whose files are in the process of examination, will start the electoral campaign on the date of registration by the CEC.