
New classroom and laboratory for stellar communications inaugurated at TUM

Students at the Technical University of Moldova (TUM) now have more study opportunities and practical experiments in the field of stellar communications. TUM has just opened a classroom and a state-of-the-art stellar communications laboratory. The state-of-the-art equipment has been donated by an international company, which is also active in the Republic of Moldova.

Ion Mereacre is a fourth-year student at the electronics and telecommunications faculty of TUM.

"It's an exciting field that is developing, there are great opportunities for growth. I think this laboratory is very much welcome. Students will be able to learn satellite communication and we have different equipment: the Hub which is on the ground and the V-SAT which is also an access point," said the student.

Trainees will be involved in mentoring training programmes with specialists from the partner company.

"Today, through satellite, we could get the same mountain trips, aeroplane trips, ship trips and all the trips that can even go to the cosmos. The cosmonauts themselves, they use the internet which is via satellite," mentions student Stepan Filatov.

The international company that donated the equipment has been operating in our country for 12 years.

"During these 12 years, we try to demonstrate corporate responsibility. Moreover, we understand that we have to help combine theory with practice and we decided to come with specialised equipment, modern state-of-the-art equipment," says company manager Alexandru Andronic.

"The company that opened these premises also employs graduates of the Technical University. After several years of collaboration with them, we took the next step - we opened a laboratory and some educational spaces, so that together we can improve the university curriculum, have practical skills that this company needs and familiarise students with the new technologies that exist in this field," says UTM rector Viorel Bostan.

More than 12,000 students study at the Technical University of the Republic of Moldova, of which 3,500 are in the two faculties related to the field of communications and information technologies.

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