For Moldovans from the diaspora: today is the deadline for receiving votes by mail in the second round of the elections
Today is the last day to receive postal votes for the second round of the presidential elections, which will take place on November 3. This voting option is being tested in six countries, including the US and Canada. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mihai Popșoi, said that, if this system proves to be effective, it could also be applied to the next elections.

"A good part have already come. I don't have the exact figures yet, but the biggest countries where this opportunity exists are the United States, Canada and Scandinavian countries. We hope that, once this mechanism proves to be effective, a useful one, we will be able to apply it to the next elections as well", declared the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mihai Popșoi.
For the October 20 elections, 1,344 envelopes were received out of the 1,808 sent to voters who requested to vote by mail. In the second round, voters who did not participate in the October 20 elections, but received the envelope with electoral materials, i.e. all 1,808, can also vote by mail.
Postal voting is an alternative abroad method using postal or courier services.