RO-ALERT warns Tulcea County of falling debris amid Ukraine war
Residents in northern Tulcea County received a RO-ALERT message overnight between Thursday and Friday, warning of the potential for debris falling on Romanian territory due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, reports Radio România Actualități.

Cristina Profir, spokesperson for the Delta Emergency Situations Inspectorate, stated that at approximately 1:40 a.m., the Romanian General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations issued a RO-ALERT message to warn the public of possible debris falling from the airspace near Romania’s border with Ukraine.
This was the first RO-ALERT message sent this year to communities in Tulcea County amid the ongoing war in Ukraine.
Since the start of the war launched by the Russian Federation in Ukraine, Romania’s Ministry of National Defense has collected multiple drone fragments from various locations in the county, the source added.
Translation by Iurie Tataru