Universities in the Republic of Moldova, closer to graduates: education fair held in Hincesti

Hundreds of lyceum graduates from several districts came to Hincesti, where several universities presented their study offers. The 12th graders attended masterclasses, learned about the programs of the universities and talked to several specialists in different fields. The young people were happy with the offers and they were motivated to opt for studies in Moldova.
University representatives prepared for the fair, with interactive games to attract an increasing number of students.
"It is important that we attract students and have them stay in the Republic of Moldova, to develop the medical system, to be employed, because today's young generation is tomorrow's future", said Angela Cazacu-Stratu, deputy-dean of the "Nicolae Testemițanu" State University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
Most of lyceum graduates were at the Military Academy stand, which came with equipment, demonstrations, and workshops.
This fair is a good opportunity to inform young people about the activity of the Academy, which is an educational institution, and not an element of troop deployment, say the institution's representatives.
*"It is good because we have a series of information in the public space, which contradicts the purpose of the Military Academy. Many believe that if the military gathers somewhere, something has happened," said Petru Mihalcea, deputy-rector of the Military Academy.
Creating connections between lyceum graduates and higher education institutions is essential for young people in the process of choosing their future profession.
*"It is an extraordinary initiative that brings us closer to lyceum graduates so that they can choose a faculty that would represent them in the future and form a profession that will last over time," said Doina Cuciurca, deputy-dean of the State University of Moldova.
The graduating students, present at the fair, were pleasantly surprised by the opportunities offered by the universities and showed their determination to continue their studies at home.
"I am a graduate, and I want to study in Moldova. I was impressed by everything I saw. It surprised me that in Moldova we have such universities with such interesting faculties."
"I was impressed by ASEM and USMF. At USMF there are fields such as massage, dentistry. Moldova needs our young generation to develop the country”, said the young people.
The regional event within the "Learn in Moldova" campaign was attended by 10 universities and approximately 700 students.