
PSC cancels the competition for the post of Head of PCCOCS

The competition for the position of Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organised Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS) was cancelled. The decision was taken by the High Council of Prosecutors at its meeting today.

The Minister of Justice, Veronica Mihailov-Moraru, stated that the organisation of this competition is not timely, as the evaluation process of members for the PSC is taking place. In her opinion, this competition should be postponed until the evaluation is completed.

On January 31, members of the Superior Council of Prosecutors voted against the cancellation of the competition for the head of the Office of the Prosecutor for Combating Organised Crime and Special Cases (PCCOCS), although the then Minister of Justice Sergiu Litvinenco insisted on its immediate cancellation.

Later, the five members of the pre-selection committee for the new head of the PCCOCS resigned after the Superior Council of Prosecutors rejected Sergiu Litvinenco's request to stop the competition.

One of the members of the pre-selection commission, Iulian Groza, complained of pressure and intimidation and demanded the annulment of the results of the first stage of the competition.

Three people - Eugen Rurac, Sergiu Russu and Andrei Mațco - applied for the post of head of PCCOCS.

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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