
Randomly parked cars on the streets of Chisinau end up at a parking lot in Trușeni. The costs incurred by the owners are enormous

Since the beginning of this year, four thousand drivers across the country have been fined for parking their cars in unauthorised places. Vehicles left unattended in the capital are picked up and taken to a private car park in Trușeni commune, and depending on how long they are there, drivers can pay hundreds or even thousands of lei. According to data from the single 112 service, most often, calls about illegally parked cars come from citizens, and in 2022 more than 13,000 such emergencies were registered.

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Sursa: imagine simbol

It is almost impossible to find a parking space during peak hours in the centre of the capital. Therefore, on Titu Maiorescu Street, drivers park their cars right on the pavement.

"- There are no parking spaces. - How long have you been looking for a parking space? - About half an hour from Stefan cel Mare Boulevard to here. - People can't cross here. - We'll take it from here.";

"We looked a lot and we had the need in the square, but we parked here."; "It's not even on the pavement, we left room."

Randomly parked cars are picked up by law enforcement officers and taken to a private car park in the commune of Trușeni. The car park manager says that 80 percent of them are evacuated because the driver didn't have a licence, was drunk or the car had a fault. Vehicles involved in road accidents are also brought here.

"The payment for the means of transport, transportation, embarkation and disembarkation is 790 lei. 12 lei an hour, 9 lei half an hour and after the sixth day it is 250 lei, if the means of transport has not been picked up," says parking manager Ion Cretu.

Every day, about 15 cars are brought to this car park. Just for an irregular parking space, drivers have to pay up to 1,500 lei. Owners are obliged to pay a fine, the parking fee, and car removal services. More recently, Parliament has passed a law, which also allows local authorities to penalise drivers who park illegally.

"We are aware that the problem of parking spaces is a pressing one in Chisinau municipality, but also in other localities. But we cannot accept situations where transport units block traffic or create obstacles for other traffic participants," says Pavel Apostol, head of the Road Accident Recording and Analysis Section of the INSP Patrol Police Department.

Law enforcement officers say that in the Republic of Moldova, in 2022, more than 20 thousand traffic tickets were issued after drivers parked illegally.

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