
Victor Chirila: The oligarchs who try to destabilise Moldova could be put on the European Union's blacklist

Oligarchs trying to destabilise the country could be blacklisted by the European Union. The Moldovan Ambassador in Bucharest, Victor Chirilă, announced this in an interview with Euronews Romania. The diplomat said the proposal was viewed positively by EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell. He also spoke about the adoption in first reading of the "Romanian language" law and the dangers posed by Russia.

On political stability in Chisinau, the diplomat also spoke of plans by internal and external forces to overthrow the power in Chisinau. These, he said, were discovered and made public in time, both by Ukraine's partners and by President Maia Sandu. The ambassador noted that appropriate measures have been taken in Moldova.

"Border control has become much more severe. We are prepared. To some extent we have prevented escalation. We have immunised ourselves and I believe that this time too we will overcome these challenges well," the Moldovan diplomat said.

Victor Chirilă said that millionaire Ilan Shor is behind the protests in Chisinau. He added that the Moldovan authorities have asked for his extradition and will insist until they get him. The official also said that the Chisinau authorities want oligarchs involved in corruption and destabilising the democratic order in the country to be punished.

"We are in talks with Brussels, with member states, to sanction them, to blacklist Plahotniuc, Shor and other oligarchs, and within the EU. A reflection process is underway. I hope it will be as short as possible. So that in the course of this year we will have a decision whereby these oligarchs who contribute to the destabilisation of the order in the Republic of Moldova, in complicity with the Russian Federation, will be sanctioned, blacklisted and their bank accounts will be blocked", said Victor Chirilă.

The Moldovan ambassador also said, in the context of the Moldovan deputies' vote to remove the phrase "Moldovan language" from the Constitution and replace it with "Romanian language", that this is a return to the truth and a rapprochement with our true culture.

"Romanian identity means European identity, it is a return to the truth and it is a rapprochement with our true culture, with our world, Romanian and European civilisation. It bothers them because we are giving up the Imperial ballast of the Soviet Union", stressed Ambassador Victor Chirilă.

The diplomat added that "no foreign state can dictate to us what language we speak".

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