
The war in Ukraine and the respect of human rights in the Republic of Moldova, new challenges

The priorities in the field of the defence of Human Rights, dictated by the new realities, including the regional ones, are the central topic of the specialised forum, which is being held these days in Chisinau.

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Although in recent years the Republic of Moldova has strengthened its normative framework in the field of respect for human rights, the war in Ukraine and the large flow of refugees, who have found shelter in our country, put the authorities in front of new challenges.

"Russia's war against Ukraine, which also affects us directly, forces us to reflect on the institution of human rights. We managed to advance and promote several initiatives, I mean the projects related to the sanctioning of crimes and hate speech, the draft laws on domestic violence and sexual crimes, the Law on the People's Advocate", declared Sergiu Litvinenco, Minister of Justice.

The institution of the People's Advocate has an increasingly important role not only in supervising the observance of laws, but also in their elaboration.

"An important document, recently approved by the Parliament, is the National Development Strategy - Moldova 2030. The Office of the People's Advocate came up with several recommendations, and 60 percent of them were taken into account before the final vote," said Ceslav Panico, the people's lawyer.

"I want to urge the institution of the People's Advocate: to be as uncomfortable and vocal as possible, even if the authorities might not like it, but this is the only way to preserve the social balance in a state of law", maintained Ana Racu, lawmaker, vice-president of the Parliamentary Commission for National Security.

In the context of the Republic of Moldova obtaining the status of a candidate country for EU accession, the development partners reiterated the commitment of the institutions they represent for the reform agenda in the field of respect for human rights.

"**Candidate country status gives your country an extra boost in its human rights agenda. When the country joined the Council of Europe, it undertook and signed treaties to solve systemic problems. We offer extensive support in this field," said William Massolin, head of the Council of Europe mission in the Republic of Moldova.

"We hope to continue to reach an agreement with the authorities of the Republic of Moldova in order to respect human rights, which will be a priority for the state and strengthen the feeling of security", said Simon Springett, UN resident coordinator.

The Human Rights Forum 2022 is organised by The Office of the People's Advocate in partnership with the Council of Europe Office in Chisinau, the UN Office for Human Rights and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and takes place in Chisinau on December 6 and 7.

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